God is calling us into the world. We are part of the larger story that makes up the ELCA. We work through our congregation, our synod and the global church. By working together we achieve things that we could never do alone. We pursue justice and peace for all!
Click on the icons to learn more about the ministries Calvary supports:
CROSSWAYS CAMPING MINISTERIES Crossways Camping Ministries is bringing people together in Christ so that lives are changed and communities are enhanced.
ECUMENICAL PARTNERSHIP FOR HOUSING Ecumenical Partnership for Housing (EPH) is a nonprofit organization working in partnership with 21 area churches to serve local families with children facing homelessness by providing housing, case management, and eviction prevention services.
How We Help
Calvary Lutheran Church has partnered with EPH for many years. We have adopted the lower unit of a duplex used to provide housing for a family with children experiencing homelessness and volunteers from Calvary Lutheran Church help get the home ready for a new family to move in each time it becomes vacant by cleaning, decorating, and stocking it with supplies. We also help with lawn care and snow removal. Our home is known as the James Lower.
Members of Calvary Lutheran Church volunteer to serve on the EPH Board of Directors and as part of the EPH Unit Coordinator Team. We also support EPH by participating in the annual direct mail campaign to raise funds for the organization.
Volunteer Opportunities
Join us in caring for our adopted home by cleaning, painting, landscaping, removing snow, decorating, or stocking with supplies when needed.
Participate in the monthly EPH Family of Faith night.
Mentor a family.
Provide office support.
Serve on a committee.
Help with special events.
Contact Information
Jeff Martinson (Board Member) & Char Gillis (Unit Coordinator).
EPH Volunteer Coordinator is Lacy Hansen Email: lacyh@ephgb.org
FREEDOM HOUSE Calvary provides funds to support Freedom House which serves Brown County area families who find themselves in dire need of emergency housing.
GOLDEN HOUSE Calvary provides funds to support Golden House which provides a wide range of support programs and shelter for victims of domestic violence.
LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES (LSS) LSS offers a variety of services throughout Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. Services are open to all, regardless of religious affiliation or background.
LUTHER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Calvary annually provides funds to support Lutheran seminaries, and has been an Internship Site for pastoral interns.
LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF (LWR) Calvary provides funds, quilts, Personal Care, School, and Baby Care Kits to support in providing solutions to poverty, injustice and human suffering.
NEW COMMUNITY SHELTER Calvary supports the homeless through the New Community Shelter by providing funds, and making/serving a meal once a month at the shelter.
CURATIVE CONNECTIONS Calvary provides financial aid to Curative Connections which helps people achieve their goal for independence through care, resources and support.
ST. JOHN'S SHELTER Calvary provides financial support to St. John’s Shelter, a homeless shelter in Green Bay.
WOODSIDE SENIOR COMMUNITIES Woodside offers the reassurance of dedicated, compassionate care, along with the security of faith-based, full-spectrum services.
SIMPLY SMILES Calvary provides funds and works with Simply Smiles to provide bright futures for impoverished children, their families, and their communities.
To give directly to the Food Distribution Emergency aid, click the link below: