Liturgical Arts: Help plan and create the liturgical decorations for special seasons of the church year.
Ushers: Join a team that helps members and visitors during a designated worship service; greet people and hand out the worship bulletin; collect the offering; and assist with communion.
Bible Studies: Calvary offers several opportunities to delve deeper into God’s word. Bible studies, and other educational opportunities, are offered throughout the year.
Calvary Quilters: The Calvary Quilters meet Wednesday mornings to put quilts together. The quilters cut squares, sew them together, and then quilt them. The finished quilts are sent to Lutheran World Relief to be distributed to the needy around the world and also to charities in the local community. Anyone can be a quilter. No experience is necessary.
Christian League Co-Ed Sports: Calvary has softball, volleyball and dartball teams that participate in the area Christian leagues. The teams are coed. – Softball games are 4:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m. or 6:45 p.m. Sunday evenings from mid-May until early August. – Volleyball games are Friday evenings from late February until late April.
– Volleyball is played on Fridays at 6 p.m.
– Pickleball is typically played on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, at 6 p.m., in the Multi-Purpose Room at Calvary.
Check out the Calvary Calendar for dates and times or contact the Church Office for more information.
Coffee/Fellowship Hour: Join us for fellowship every Sunday between services, 9:15-10:15 a.m. in the Atrium.
The “Grumpy Old Men” Monday Morning Work Crew: The “Grumpies” (as they are affectionately known) are a group of retired members who gather on Monday mornings at Calvary for fellowship and to do odd jobs around the church.
Lawn Cutting/Snow Removal: These volunteer teams, depending upon the season, cut the lawn, or snow blow the sidewalks around church.